You can also mail us by postal mail/ FedEx / UPS etc.:
Free Market Monument Foundation
2026 South Montezuma Avenue
Tucson, AZ 85711-6273
Or just send us an e-mail:
"While it might surprise many ecologists to hear, capitalism is itself the ultimate form of conservationism. Capitalists seek to conserve resources, not because of sentimental feelings about nature or the earth or whales or worry about the well-being of future generations, but simply because every drop of oil, every ton of ore, every shipment of wood saved is a cost reduction and money in the pocket. "
-- Steven E Plaut (1951 - ) Israeli economist
You can also mail us by postal mail/ FedEx / UPS etc.:
Free Market Monument Foundation
2026 South Montezuma Avenue
Tucson, AZ 85711-6273
Or just send us an e-mail: